About the Journal
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society (PJRS) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by Pustaka Peradaban in collaboration with Pojok Peradaban Institute for the Study of Religion and Society. PJRS provides a forum for all disciplines related to the study of religion and social fields. PJRS is Published twice a year, in July and January.
Current Issue
The Role of Islamic Higher Education in Strengthening the Halal Ecosystem in Indonesia
The Daegu Mosque and the Construction of Social Cohesion in Multicultural Korean Society
Universal Values as a Meeting Point in Abrahamic Religions Insights from Schuon and Smith
Examining the Urgency of Adab-Based Learning A Hadith Perspective on the Global Ethical Crisis
Agama dan Preferensi Pemilih dalam Kontestasi Elektoral di Kota Malang
Prophet Muhammad as a Catalyst for Social Change Insights from Martin Lings and Annemarie Schimmel