About the Journal

  Journal title Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society (PJRS)
  Language English (preferred), Indonesia
  ISSN 2962-7958
  Frequency 2 issues per year
  Editor-in-chief Moh. Anas Kholish
  Publisher Pustaka Peradaban

Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society (PJRS) is published by Pustaka Peradaban to promote relevant research in the field of religion and society. The journal is committed to an interdisciplinary approach to a wide range of topics concerning religion and its relation to the social field. PJRS welcomes all contributions that encourage an in-depth understanding of religious issues and their relationship to contemporary socio-cultural life which are guided theoretically using various methodologies including qualitative, quantitative, and literary. A double-blind review process was carried out for all published articles. The journal is open-access and freely allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all published material for all lawful purposes. The journal is published in 2 editions every year.