Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts will go through a blind review process. Under normal conditions, the review process takes 3-5 weeks. Manuscripts are reviewed by considering the novelty and contribution of the manuscript to the development of Law studies.

Peer Review Procedure

  1. The author sends the manuscript through an online system.
  2. The editorial team will identify manuscripts related to the scope, quality of the manuscript and the possibility of plagiarism.
  3. manuscripts that are suitable for journals will be sent by reviewers for the review process.
  4. There are at least two reviewers who review each submitted paper.
  5. The reviewer will provide an assessment and recommendation to the editor to accept or reject the manuscript.
  6. The editor will notify the author of the decision to approve or reject the manuscript.
  7. In the case of minor revisions, the editor will ask the author to respond and make adjustments according to the reviewer's and editor's suggestions. Then, the author sends back the corrected version.
  8. The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication.