About the Journal
Peradaban Journal of Law and Society (PJLS) is an open access and peer reviewed journal provides space for studies in the field of law and its various aspects in society. PJLS is committed to being an important resource in the study of academics and practitioners as well as researchers in the world regarding the field of law. PJLS encourages discussion of all branches of law, with a view to promoting an understanding of law, both in theory and practice, from a juridical perspective, its history and its relation to other social sciences. The Journal Publish twice a year, June and December.
Current Issue
Analysis of Australia's TPPA on Intellectual Property Rights Protection Under TRIPS and WTO
Fulfilling Disability Rights to Work H.L.A. Hart & Lawrence Friedman's Perspectives
Economic Democracy and Unemployment in the Digital Age A Sociolegal Study of Finland and Germany
Reconstruction of Restorative Justice Regulations Within the Indonesian Penal System Post-Law No. 1 of 2023
Reaktualisasi Ijtihad Progresif Fazlur Rahman dan M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy tentang Pembagian Waris Berkeadilan Gender